Baby Hats

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UPDATE: as of right you all have been such a great blessing, and I don’t need any more baby hats… I will update as soon as my supply begins to decrease. Thank you for showing love to these new babies and blessing the mamas!

Are you crafty? If you would like to knit or crochet baby hats, you will bless a new baby with the gift of warmth.  Areas of Zambia are high desert and the temperatures drop at night… the water in my Nalgene bottle froze a couple times, but by 2pm I was putting on sunscreen in 90-100 deg F. temperatures.

Africans love bright colors, so don’t be afraid to stray from pastels. Please make newborn baby sized hats (any pattern) of washable yarns.  I will collect hats before flying out (check back later for more details).

2 thoughts on “Baby Hats

  1. Sandy Hogsed says:

    Julie – I am going to a knitting and crochet group on Mondays. Is this something you will still have a need for? If so, I could propose a project so we could do this for you and the babies of Zambia.

    • Julie E says:

      Absolutely! I would love that! It would be a huge blessing to the moms and babies. I can send you more details about sizes and where to mail them in an email.
      THanks Sandy!

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